tirsdag den 27. november 2012

Group 3: Kangaroos

Just like that Lioba - Natascha - Jeanette - Matilde

“Its forepaws were curled like small hands. It lifted its head to caress the boy with its large lipid eyes” (p. 25, l. 24-25).
It is human (maybe a child), because it has hands which is small, and it has lipid eyes.

“They came to a large mob of browsing kangaroos. With their heads in the grass and their backs humped the roos looked like rounded red and grey rocks” (p. 27, l. 3-5).
Now it is not human anymore because it describes that the kangaroos look like rounded red and grey rocks. The boy is not nervous more so now he can shoot the kangaroos.

“A grey raised its head like a periscope from the grass” (p. 27, l. 8).
It still a object but it has a human movement. So the man and the boy still can shoot the kangaroos.

“The rifle clicked empty. At the same instant the big kangaroo crashed full length. It fell like a tree” (p. 28, l. 29-30).
Again he describes kangaroo as an object, because he don’t want the kangaroo to be a human.
We think the author has described the kangaroos like a human in the start because the boy was nervous. But in the end the boy is not nervous more, so he don’t see the kangaroo like a human more but as an object.

We have choose this pictures because on the first picture it describes that is an object because is not have filling in the pictures because it is a drawing. But on the second picture is described that is have felling because it has felling in the eyes and a baby kangaroo in her pouch.

Matilde kom først I den sidste time.

1 kommentar:

  1. Good analyses! I think you are very good at following his development in the story here. And the pictures fit very nicely.

    Good work :)


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