- Introduction to murder case (p. 62, first column to second coulmn, line 1-14)
- The suspect (p. 62-63, second and midd third column, line 15 (p. 62)-10 (p. 63))
- Investigation team (p. 63-64, third coulmn to the fifth column, line 11 (p. 63)-17 (p. 64))
- Interview of women (p. 64-65, fifth column to the seventh column, line 18 (p. 64)-7 (p. 65)
- Why should we study? (p. 65-65, seventh column, line 8-29)
- Young street gangs (p. 65-65, seventh column to eighth column, line 30-line 76)
- Darren (p. 65-65, eighth column, line 77-92)
- Bullying (p. 66-66, ninth column, line 1-9)
- The social worker (p. 66-66, tenth column, line 10-41)
2. Angle on the murder case. How is the murder a symptom of a social prolem in the UK?
Children are getting in gangs in a very younger age. They are trained to be tough and hate the police. Gangs often has relations to drugs and violence, and the children can get into it, and destroy their future.
3. Use the following quote to connect to the answer in question 2:
“The gang culture has developed because these children do not feel they can
trust adults. They turn to each other for support, and in Peckham the only
currency they have is violence and anger” (p. 66, column 2, line 12 – 17).
The qoute is from the social worker Camilla Bamanghelidjh. They are being betrayed by their parents, and they don't trust them. That leads to the search of support from someone else, and the gangs are "helping" them. They learn to use violence and becomes more and more dangerous.
4. Message
What do you think is the message of this
article? Find at least two quotes from the text to support your answer.
"As the detective stumbled backwards, blood rushing from his arms across his chest and sneered: "Well? What you going to do about that?"" (p. 63, line 6-10)
"When they arrive they are just babes. By the ime they are 14 they are all carryng knives and calling the police Danish Bacon. They believe the police are against them. There is no respect" (s. 64, line 20-25)
We believe that the message are awareness of this huge problem. In this scenario a 10 year old boy was being killed because of the problem, and what is next? Children are getting more and more dangerous with their knives and their need for respect. But they don't get respect from the police by carrying a knife, so it's an evil circle - and it needs to be broken.
Good work! Especially good headlines for the article and good explanation of your idea for the message.