torsdag den 6. december 2012

Damilola Murder Article, Interview: Emma

Emma, teacher at the inner-city secondary school

  • Interviewer: What is your name?
    Emma: Emma
    Interviewer: where do you work?
    Emma: I work at inner-city secondary school
    Interviewer: What do you know about the murder of Damilola?
    Emma: I do not know a lot about the murder, but I know that Damilola was a very good kid.
    Interviewer: How do you think the environment is at the school?
    Emma: when they arrive they are just babies. By the time they are 14 they are all carrying knives and calling the police Danish Bacon. They believe the police are against them. There is no respect.
    Interviewer: can you see from a young age if he/she is a troublemaker?
    Emma: Well, yeah I can kind of see it by their background, how their parents are, who they hangout out with, how they act in front of adults and the police. But it’s not everybody who is like that. But is hard to predict.
    Interviewer: Do you think you can prevent some of these actions.
    Emma: I think we got to far! so I don’t think I can prevent any of these actions. These actions can come from a violent family or a violent childhood. So it only depends on the person, and also the one who takes care of the child.
    Interviewer: Thank you very much Emma.

    Martina, Natacha B., Andrea & Josefine 

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