torsdag den 6. december 2012

Damilola Murder Article, Interview: Darren

Interview with Darren who on a daily basis deals drugs, and has been living from it since he dropped out of school before graduation"
Interview of Darren:

Tony: Hello, I’m Tony from The Observer. Should we start?

Darren: Hi I’m Darren. I’m ready to answer some questions. 

Tony: All right. You are dealing drugs – so how did you start doing that?
Darren: I got a friend who was during drugs, and I started to do it myself. Then I forgot all about school and left before graduation.
Tony: Are you during drugs now, or did you stop?
Darren: No I quit that shit. The friend I mentioned earlier took an overdose of heroin and I stopped during that because I don’t want to die.
Tony: Why are you dealing then?
Darren: Where should I get money? Jobs aren’t exactly hanging on the trees? I just want to make some money, get a house and a girl and be happy.
Tony: I can understand that. So when you meet girls, do they take distance from you when they are told you are dealing, or do the act like it’s a completely normal job?
Darren: I’m not a bad guy. I’m loyal and friendly and I don’t want trouble. Everybody puts me in this box, because I’m a criminal. And I just hate that!
Tony: Yes, okay. So thank you for the chat, and have a good day.

By Thomas, Lioba, Natascha og Kristina

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